
Every effort is made to ensure that all the material on this site is up to date and accurate but we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. Links to other sites are monitored but we cannot be held responsible for the information contained in other sites. If you find anything that concerns you, please contact our Website Administrator (contact@1clickdesign.co.uk).

Trojan North East reserve the right to alter any prices at its discretion


Information which you send to us through our website (either by email or through electronic forms) will be treated as follows:

We will keep it no longer than we reasonably believe is necessary.

We will use it only for the purpose for which you sent it.

We may use it for statistical analysis but in such a way that your identity will not be involved.

You will not receive unsolicited paper or electronic mail from us as a result of using an electronic form unless we explicitly ask for and get your permission.

We do not use cookies for collecting personal information from the site. We will not collect any information about you except that required for the operation of the website.

Unless stated otherwise (i.e. that you are viewing information over a secure connection) information transmitted over the internet is not secure and we cannot accept responsibility for misuse of information intercepted in this way.

This policy applies to the Trojan North East website but not to sites to which we provide links.


Unless otherwise stated, all of these pages are copyright protected. © Copyright Trojan North East - All rights reserved.